The role of marketing in a world of the big challenges of sustainable development – bridging the B2C and B2B divide
The programme is now online – press here to go to programme site
ACCOMMONDATION – please read here
Note that as indicated on the submission form: “The person whose name is entered here declares that s/he will register for the conference and be available to present the paper, which may be scheduled anytime between Wednesday May 24, 2023 08:30, and May 26, 2023, 18:00.”

Denmark is just the right place to meet. The country and its businesses are known for ongoing efforts and passion for innovating sustainable solutions within wind energy, water treatment, pharmaceutics and health care as well as food production just to mention a few areas were contributions are made in order to deal with the big global challenges. Moreover, Danish consumers and the Nordic way of living are demanding and pushing the industry to develop and innovate sustainable solutions.