
Exhibitors will have possibilities for displaying and presenting their products and service (books, games and others).

The conference organizers will for a fee provide:

  • A stand (table & chairs) and one display for setting up books and other kinds of material
  • Electric consumption and cleaning
  • Possibility to put a role-up that you bring yourself
  • One exhibitor badge including coffee breaks & lunches during the conference
  • One Conference registration
  • A session for presenting services and products
  • Promotion of the exhibitor session and the exhibitor stands
  • Information about the exhibitors and logos of the exhibitors in the conference program and on conference website

The stands will be located in coffee break/meeting area at the venue.

Prize: 1375 EUR incl. 25% VAT

Registration for exhibitors, please press here

For more information, please send an email to the organizers, emac2023@sdu.dk